"Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me...."
Matthew 18:15
Children matter. They are the ones who will carry on the faith into the next generation, and we take the ministry we have to these little ones with upmost importance. We want to teach and train the children at Faith to be faithful disciples of Jesus. To that end we have many opportunities for kids to grow in God's Word. And we have some of the best volunteers you can find. We would love to help your little ones know and become like Jesus.

Children's Ministries
Sunday School
9:30am every Sunday we have children's classes for all ages. They will learn the foundational truths of the Scripture each week.
Junior Church
During our main preaching time on Sunday mornings we have a teaching time for kids that is at their level. We want the Word of God to affect their hearts.
On Wednesday evening @ 7pm we have our Kids4Truth program. Children learn doctrine, memorize verses, have fun, and make spiritual role models.