Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
Our men's ministry is aimed at helping one another grow up into spiritual maturity. In our homes, in our churches, and in our ministries in each other's lives the need for serious-minded men is essential. Iron sharpens iron, and mature saints are to help less mature saints progress unto the full stature of Christlikeness. We have many opportunities for men to connect and grow.

Saturday Morning Fellowships
Monthly Men's Fellowship
Once a month the men meet for a time of fellowship, encouragement from the Word, and prayer. Some month's we have a prayer breakfast. Some we study a topic or book of the Bible together. Our men's ministry is another way for you to connect with other likeminded Christians for growth and fellowship.
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
At Faith we encourage a culture where everyone is either being discipled, or discipling someone else, or both! We invite you to connect your life to another mature believer in Christ to help you grow unto spiritual maturity. God never meant for you to be a solo Christian. You need the ministry of others in the church. Let us help you connect and take that next step of faith and obedience.