Jon Anderson
Head Pastor
Pastor Jon has been at Faith for 15 years. The first seven years as our assistant pastor, and the last eight years as the head pastor.

Jim Stevens
Associate Pastor
Pastor Stevens was the head pastor of Faith for many years before he stepped down. He now serves as our assistant pastor. He teaches, preaches, and disciples!
Jason Wright
Youth Pastor
Pastor Jason leads our teen ministry, is involved with our music, takes kids to camp, and organizes many activities for our young people.

Leah Stevens
Children Ministries Volunteer
Leah heads up our children's ministries. From Sunday school or junior church to Kids4Truth on Wednesday nights, she loves working with the little ones.

Sharon Anderson
Nursery Coordinator Volunteer
Sharon organizes and runs all of our nursery care. Our infant ministries are safe, clean, and fun for those 2 and under.