The Mission
The mission of Faith is to equip and inspire people to know and become like Jesus for the glory of God.

Equip and Inspire
We aim to promote life-on-life disciple-making relationships within the church through equipping saints to build up the body of Christ (Eph. 4:12), and through inspiring each other by our example of joyfully obeying the commands of Christ (I Thess. 1:6-7).
Know and Become like JESUS
We want everyone to know Jesus (John 17:3) and to become like Jesus (Rom. 8:29; Eph. 4:13), imitating both the character of His life (Col. 3:10), and the content of His daily living (Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 1:8).
Glory of GOD
The ultimate purpose of everything we do is to bring God an abundance of glory (Eph. 3:20-21), and to cause many people to have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus (Phil. 1:25-26).
In the next ten years we are asking God to help Faith grow in these key areas.

1. Disciple-Making Culture
Our prayer is that everyone in our church would be involved in the ministry of making disciples. Our great commission from Jesus is to go, baptize, and teach people to observe all the things that Jesus taught us. There is no better ministry and everyone at Faith is invited to participate.
2. Spiritual Partnerships in Gospel Ministry
Our passion is not just to reach our Jerusalem with the gospel, but to partner with like-minded believers to reach our Judea and Samaria, and the ends of the earth. We cannot do this alone. We are prayerfully asking the Lord to build key partnerships with other churches so we can do this together.
3. Community Engagement
Jesus prayed for us to go into the world. We want our community to know the love of Jesus by our actions as well as our words. Our prayer is that we can become an active part of our city.
4. Church Planting
In the next ten years we want to be active in planting churches or helping plant churches in our surrounding area.
5. Global Missions
As we become a spiritually healthy church our prayer is that more gospel funds will be available to send all kinds of people to the ends of the earth. We want to partner with those already going, and train up and send out people from within.